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Another classic arc. 1: The Twelve Uncanny X-Men #376377; Cable #7576; X-Men #9697; Wolverine #146147 March 2007 0-7851-2263-X X-Men Vs. tec2030FollowForum Posts: 81Wiki Points: 0Followed by: 0Reviews: 0 Lists: 0#16 Posted by tec2030 (81 posts) - 11 months, 15 days ago - Show Biooldnightcrawler: It could be trimmed down to just a pure list, but I feel like it loses effectiveness in that form.Let me know if there's any of those sections that aren't as good starting points as others, or if there are any you think I should add in. 200 ^ Cooke, Jon B.; Nolen-Weathington, Eric (2006). 2 The X-Men #3266, Avengers #53, Ka-Zar #23, Marvel Tales #30, Not Brand Ecch #4, #8 912 May 2011 978-0785153078 Uncanny X-Men Omnibus, Vol. Ugh.At least when Lobdell is fully in charge with the Morlock story in a few issues, we'll be back to a singular voice, whether you like his run or not. 3) #611 ^ Uncanny X-Men Vol #3 Issue 600 ^ a b "Uncanny X-Men & X-Men SDCC Panel". Mutant Massacre Reading Order: Uncanny X-Men #210 X-Factor #9 Uncanny X-Men #211 New Mutants #46 X-Factor #10 Thor #373 Thor #374 Power Pack #27 to #28 X-Factor #11 Uncanny X-Men #212 Daredevil #238 Uncanny X-Men #213 UXM 214-220, UXM Annual 11, UXM 221-224 Fantastic Four vs.
These are all must reads. Issue 18 features the arrival of Rachel Summers from the future. Posted by: Andrew May 31, 2016 8:43 PM . Professor X is the Headmaster of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and mentor to the X-Men, but he is rarely (if ever) a member of the X-Men team. Magik powers into her demonic form Darkchylde and collapses Limbo into herself and traps Dormammu and frees the X-Men. Marvel has never collected this into one pretty volume, fortunately Essential X-Men V. Pencilers[edit]. Here is the reading order:. Randall will turn out to have the ability to sense the presence of other mutants, while Randall has the ability to survive radiation. Keep an eye out at the end of each issues to see where to read next.
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